Mom Installs Baby Monitor in Sons Room and Gets Scared When She Sees Movement Therev


Alicia installed a baby monitor in her son’s room to keep an eye on him after noticing he was constantly tired and restless. She expected to find an innocent explanation—but what she saw on the screen sent shivers down her spine.

A Mother’s Instinct
“Shh, sweetheart. Mommy’s here,” Alicia whispered, cradling her son, Edduin, in her arms. He had woken up crying again—his tiny body trembling, his wails refusing to quiet.

She rocked him gently, humming a lullaby, her heart aching with exhaustion. Her laptop and files lay abandoned on the table, work forgotten in the face of her son’s distress.

Eventually, his sobs faded, and Alicia sighed in relief, carefully placing him back in his crib. She kissed his forehead, tucking him in before slipping out of the room as quietly as possible.

In the kitchen, she poured herself a cup of coffee, rubbing her tired eyes.

“How am I going to manage everything like this? John, I wish you were here. I miss you.”

She whispered the words into the silence, but there was no answer. There hadn’t been for a long time.

A Love Story Cut Short
Alicia and John had always believed they couldn’t have children. So, they filled their lives with adventure instead—traveling to exotic places, experiencing the world together. They had just started planning a trip to the Bahamas when Alicia discovered she was pregnant.

Their joy was immeasurable. They returned to their hometown in Fayetteville, North Carolina, to settle down and prepare for parenthood.

But just months before Edduin’s birth, tragedy struck.

“Mrs. Silvers, I’m afraid I have terrible news. Your husband was involved in a fatal car accident.”

Alicia had begged John not to leave that morning, telling him she had a terrible feeling. He had kissed her, smiling, assuring her she was just being paranoid. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

He never came home.

The shock sent Alicia into early labor. She was rushed to the hospital by her neighbor, Mrs. Hall, where she gave birth to Edduin. But due to his premature arrival, he spent weeks in the NICU.

Alone and grieving, Alicia took over John’s business, determined to provide for her son. With the help of John’s secretary, Madison, she transitioned to working from home so she could care for Edduin herself.

It wasn’t easy, but she managed.

For a while.

Something Was Wrong
Almost a year had passed, and Alicia had grown used to the sleepless nights, the constant balancing act of work and motherhood. But then, something changed.

At first, it was the crying.

Every night, without fail, Edduin would wake up in distress. Alicia would rush to his crib, soothing him as best as she could. But even after the wailing stopped, something still wasn’t right.

He was exhausted during the day.

He barely played with his toys, rubbing his eyes constantly, yawning through the hours.

Alicia’s worry deepened.

She took him to the doctor, hoping for answers.

“Babies go through phases,” the doctor reassured her. “It’ll pass.”

But it didn’t pass.

In fact, it got worse.

A Disturbing Discovery
One afternoon, Alicia was walking past Edduin’s room when she heard something unusual.


Not just her son’s giggles, but a sound—low, almost playful.

Her blood ran cold.

She burst into the room, heart pounding, expecting to find an intruder.

But there was no one there.

Edduin sat in his crib, smiling up at her. The room was empty.

Alicia’s skin prickled. Was I imagining it?

But the next night, it happened again.

And again.

Convinced something was going on, Alicia installed a Wi-Fi baby monitor in the nursery, determined to find answers.

That night, she watched the screen intently. For the first few minutes, nothing happened.


Something shifted in the room.

Her breath caught as she saw it.

A dark figure.

Her hands trembled as she ran to the nursery, throwing the door open.

And then she saw it.

A Visitor in the Night
A small, scruffy dog stood beside the crib, its tail wagging hesitantly.

Alicia gasped. Where did it come from?

The little creature cowered at her presence, looking guilty as if it knew it had been caught.

And then, to her astonishment, Edduin giggled.

It all clicked.

Alicia and John had once owned a dog—Doblo. After he passed, they had converted his old playroom into the nursery.

In the chaos of John’s death and Edduin’s birth, Alicia had forgotten about the old dog door at the back of the room.

That’s how the little dog had found its way in.

And every night, while Alicia slept, it had snuck into the nursery, keeping Edduin company.

No wonder he had been tired all the time—the two had been playing when they should have been sleeping.

A New Beginning
Alicia’s fear melted into something else—relief, maybe even gratitude.

She crouched down, extending a hand. “Hey there, little guy. Where did you come from?”

The dog hesitated before stepping forward, nudging her fingers with its nose.

It was dirty, thin. A stray, most likely.

Alicia glanced at her son, whose sleepy smile was filled with pure joy.

She had been so worried about what was happening in this room.

She never expected this.

That night, after bathing and feeding the little visitor, she made a decision.

She kept him.

She named him Casper.

And from that day on, he wasn’t just a stray dog. He was family.

With Casper around, Edduin became a much happier baby. He still adored his new best friend, but Alicia made sure the two didn’t stay up playing all night.

And for the first time in a long time—both mother and son finally got some rest.

What Can We Learn from This Story?
A parent’s instincts are rarely wrong. Alicia knew something wasn’t right with her son and took steps to uncover the truth.
Unexpected friendships can bring the greatest joy. A stray dog found its way into their home, bringing happiness and comfort to little Edduin.
Kindness changes lives. Instead of shooing Casper away, Alicia gave him a home—and in return, he became her son’s best friend.
Sometimes, the scariest discoveries lead to the most heartwarming endings.

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